Friday, November 21, 2008

Fifth Project of DOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Due to a certain comment from my last post, you know who you are, I have vowed to do this project without slayer or FPC, the drums you hear are of my own creation. But fear not for my next project will have them back with a vengeances ... hopefully. Anyway, I had no idea what I was going to do for this project so I did what I did in project two, I winged it(and we all know how that turned out). I started out with the Sytrus and the 3x Osc. I decided on the pre-set for Sytrus because I loved how it sounded and I worked the 3x Osc to go with it. After some fighting and a little help from Mr. Rabuse I got it working. After a little bit i decided it needed a BooBass to help, since it isn't a Slayer or FPC I could use it. Then I didn't like how it all started at once so I shifted it around some, added some fade in and fade out and ta-da I have this slightly shorter but still good song for you to enjoy and comment on. I mean come-on people just two comments, that's weak.

P.S. At the time of writing I was unaware of the fact that I have three comments.


chuck said...

ok james that was pretty good. the use of the fade in and fade out was a good concept. unfortunatly i liked your projects better with slayer and FPC. also you could have switched it up instead of it being sooooooo repetative. i mean halfway through you could have used fpc and told u know who that you made it but all in all it was a pretty good project.

Micaela's Cool Sounds said...

that was pretty good... the only thing i would say is too add something else to it like a guitar or bass... because it gets kind of repetitive.. but i like the fading in and out a lot

guitarstunnah101 said...

Pretty good James. Teh song needed something in the middle and was a little repetative. I agree it needed the slayer. But overall, pretty good.

B. Rabuse Blog said...

Your link is down James. Please repost your file.