Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Tenth Project

No I haven't forgotten how to count. I know I skipped nine because I finished project ten before nine. don't worry, nine is coming. Here's ten, my attempt at commercial music.

The idea for this project is to take a commercial without any sound and to add our own music and sound effects. While I succeeded at the music part, I was less than good with the voices that would normally go with a commercial about toothpaste.

I used steel drums to give it a happy sound to it and to give it structure, but I was unregulated in my melody. That's why it sounds random.


RosalieLillian said...

I like the drums you used, but I think there should have been more voices or other patterns. It does fit in well with the commercial, though. Good job!

B. Rabuse Blog said...

I'm not crazy about this James. It really does sound random, and the only thing I hear are steel drums (except for a techno-synth for about 2 seconds). If you are only going to use one sound, it needs to be much more carefully thought out. The randomness is not appealing to me.